OLED vs QLED - The Ultimate TV Comparison

September 15, 2021

When it comes to choosing a TV, there are two terms that you're likely to come across more than any other: OLED and QLED. But what do they mean, and which one is right for you? In this blog post, we'll be taking an unbiased look at OLED vs QLED TVs to see which one comes out on top. Let's dive in!

What are OLED and QLED?

Before we get started, let's quickly define what OLED and QLED mean.

OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) is a display technology that uses organic compounds to emit light when subjected to an electric current. Each pixel is self-illuminating, which means that it produces its own light, resulting in deeper blacks and more vivid colors.

QLED (Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode), on the other hand, is a bit of a misnomer. It still uses LEDs, but with an added quantum dot filter that enhances color accuracy and brightness.


One of the most remarkable differences between OLED and QLED is their contrast levels. OLEDs can create perfect blacks since each pixel can be turned off independently of its neighbors. This leads to deep, rich blacks that make colors pop even more.

QLED, while still very good, can't quite match OLED's perfect black levels. This is because the light produced by the LED backlight can still bleed through the quantum dot layer. This results in a slightly washed-out appearance.


When it comes to color, both OLED and QLED are excellent performers. OLED TVs can produce a wider range of colors than QLED thanks to their self-illuminating pixels. However, QLED's quantum dot filter allows for more accurate color reproduction, making it perfect for color-critical applications like photo and video editing.


In terms of brightness, QLEDs can get much brighter than OLEDs. This makes them ideal for watching TV during the day in a bright room or for use as a computer monitor where brightness is critical. OLEDs, while still plenty bright, can be prone to glare in very bright environments.


Finally, let's talk about lifespan. OLEDs have a shorter lifespan than QLEDs due to the organic compounds that they use. This means that over time, the colors may fade or burn-in may occur. QLEDs don't have this issue and are often rated to last significantly longer than OLEDs.


So, which one should you buy? Ultimately, it depends on your needs. If you're a cinephile who wants the best possible picture quality, OLED is definitely the way to go. If you watch a lot of TV during the day or use your TV as a computer monitor, QLED's superior brightness might be more important to you.


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